An herbal blend for Fall
It’s been cold this week, and the fall equinox is coming up in just a few days, reminding us of a big change coming – Fall is about to begin. Read along to learn more about how this season affects us and what herbs can help support us in feeling balanced all season long.
Fall blend and my trusty 64 ounce mason jar for overnight infusions.
Fall is a time of transition. Just as Spring slowly brought warmer days and green sprouts, Fall brings back the cold and shorter days in preparation for Winter. When we think of fall what comes to mind? Colorful leaves turning brown and falling on the ground, leaving trees bare. Dry flowers turning into seed pods that fly through the air, spreading everywhere they can.
Fall’s Theme: going inward and releasing
If we pay close attention to nature, we can find clues of what our bodies need as we transition into fall. Plants are slowly pulling their energy inward. What once was a lush green plant full of leaves and flowers, becomes a bare dry plant by the end of fall. All it’s energy has moved down into it’s roots in preparation for the cold winter months. Just like that, our bodies are feeling the need to go inward, to ground and connect to our roots.
Squirrels run around collecting food for the winter and so it is that we might feel a push to nest –– to collect and get comfortable in our home as the weather outside varies from cold to hot in an uncertain dance that slowly reminds us that summer is over.
Dry seeds are released from their pods, finding home in the dirt around it. There they will lay until water and warmth trigger their sprouting in early spring of next year. So do we might feel the need to release what isn’t ours to hold any longer. As the days grow shorter, we notice we have less energy and time to do all the things we did during the summer. We might also feel a bit of burnout from all the summer doing. And so we can prioritize and let go of what doesn’t fit any longer. Of what doesn’t serve us.
This beautiful blend with oatstraw, dandelion and ashwagandha roots, rose petals and more.
Herbs for fall support
Why do we look for herbal support as the seasons change?
Herbalism invites us to connect with nature’s rhythms to find balance within ourselves. If our body is experiencing the transition of fall, but our mind continues to work as if the days were long and hot, we start feeling anxious. Like something’s off. Understanding what our body experiences as part of nature, gives us the tools we need to regain balance.
During the fall our needs change. Although some days might still be hot, others will be cold. The uncertainty in the weather can trigger feelings of anxiety and fear. We might also be more prone to catching a cold. In this time, we look for ways to down-regulate our nervous system and boost our immunity reservoirs in preparation for the winter months.
These needs call for herbs that can support us in various ways:
sooth our nervous system
support my body in detoxifying from summer excess
reduce inflammation
balance our hormones and mood
open our hearts and soften to the uncertainty of this time of transition
fight microbes like colds and flus
A pitcher of Fall Blend at the center of our fall dinner last week.
Fall Blend
Oat straw and passionflower as the base, followed by red raspberry leaf, dandelion root, rose petals, tulsi and ashwagandha root.
Loving and gentle oatstraw is soothing to the nervous system and grounding, specially for airy bodies. This plant is deeply nourishing and contains silica and other minerals that support healthy bones, hair, teeth and nails.
Ashwagandha has adaptogenic properties, meaning it helps our body respond to stress, anxiety, fatigue and promote overall well being. It’s also known to help increase muscle strength and improve sexual functions.
Nourishing roots like dandelion help detoxify our body, contain antioxidants, has anti-inflammatory effects and may help improve blood sugar levels
Red raspberry leaf is also detoxifying and helps balance hormones and reduce the effects of PMS in women
Passionflower has calming effects, and can help manage anxiety and sleep problems
Rose petals are fragrant and heart-opening. High in antioxidants, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and analgesic
During Fall season you can buy this herbal blend here.
Happy Fall!