An herbal blend for Winter

Winter is the time when our bodies need extra support to stay healthy and strong. With the colder temperatures and shorter days, we may notice our energy levels decreasing and as our body struggles to adjust to the change, often anxiety and depression are triggered. You know that sluggish feeling we get as the days grow shorter? It’s the same feeling nature get as it prepares to hibernate. A call to move slower, to do less and spend more time in introspection.

winter blend in the ritual gift bag

Winter Blend in the ritual gift bag.

One way to support our body and mind through this change is by incorporating herbal remedies into our daily routines.

Insert Winter Blend. This beautiful blend is a combination of oatstraw, red clover, butterfly pea flower, eleuthero, sweet cinnamon, and orange peel. It is blue and might as well be called Winter Blues because it is so deeply supportive of our emotional needs in this cold season.

These herbs work together to support the body in various ways and can be enjoyed as a tea or added to other beverages and recipes. Read below to learn more about how these herbs can support you and a fun way to make purple herbal lemonade that kids will find fascinating.

an herbal blend for winter blues with oatstraw, eleuthero and butterfly pea

Nourishing oatstraw and red clover as the base, a beautiful blue color from butterfly pea, and warming notes of cinnamon and orange peel.

Winter’s Theme: rest and recharging

Winter is a time when the natural world enters a period of rest and rejuvenation. The trees lose their leaves, the days become shorter, and the air becomes colder. This slower, quieter pace can invite us to turn inward and reflect on our lives. It can be a time to rest and recharge, to let go of what no longer serves us, and to set intentions for the new year.

Additionally, this is a time when our bodies and immune systems can be tested by the colder temperatures, shorter days, and increased exposure to illness. Opposite to summer, this is a time to support our body in warming up and soothing our nervous system. We do this by eating hardy, warm and oily foods that digest easily and are rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. We avoid raw foods because our inner fire is lower and they are hard on our slower digestive system. We support this diet with rich nourishing herbs with adaptogenic, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory herbs. With plant allies that boost our immune system and help us detoxify and prepare to start a cycle anew.

herbs for the winter season like cinnamon, eleuthero, orange peel, red clover and oatstraw

A delicious, nourishing and soothing blend of medicinal herbs.

Herbs for winter support

A nourishing blend of oatstraw and red clover as the base, followed by butterfly pea, eleuthero, sweet cinnamon and orange peel.


a nourishing herb that is rich in vitamins and minerals, including calcium, magnesium, and silica. It has a soothing and calming effect on the nervous system and can help to reduce stress and fatigue. Oatstraw is also high in antioxidants, which can help to boost the immune system and protect against winter colds and flu.

Red Clover

another nourishing herb that is high in minerals and vitamins, including calcium, magnesium, and vitamin C. It is known for its ability to support the respiratory system and can help to alleviate congestion and coughs. Red clover is also a natural expectorant, which means it can help to loosen and clear mucus from the lungs.

Butterfly Pea Flower

a beautiful blue herb that is known for its bright color and ability to support the body's natural detoxification processes. It is high in antioxidants and can help to reduce inflammation and support a healthy immune system. Butterfly pea flower is also a natural source of vitamin C, which can help to boost the body's defenses against winter colds and flu.


also known as Siberian ginseng, is an adaptogenic herb that helps the body to adapt to stress and maintain balance. It is known for its ability to support the immune system and increase energy and stamina. Eleuthero is also thought to have a positive effect on the nervous system and can help to reduce feelings of stress and anxiety.


a warm and spicy herb that is known for its ability to support the digestive system and increase circulation. It is also high in antioxidants and has natural antimicrobial properties, which can help to support the immune system. Sweet cinnamon has a sweet and warming flavor that is perfect for wintertime recipes and beverages.

Orange Peel

a citrus herb that is high in vitamin C and other antioxidants. It is known for its ability to support the immune system and reduce inflammation. Orange peel has a bright and refreshing flavor that is perfect for adding to wintertime beverages and recipes.

winter blend is blue and deeply supportive during the winter monts

Winter Blend steeping overnight in a 64 ounce mason jar.

How to drink Winter Blend

Our seasonal blends are formulated to support the body throughout the day in staying hydrated, nourished and adaptable. As always, I recommend creating a ritual around your herbal infusions by boiling water every evening and making your big batch to steep overnight.

A 64 ounce mason jar or large teapot is all you need. Add 1 or 2 tablespoons of herbs –– or use our Beechwood Spoon to measure the perfect amount of plants for your daily infusion –– pour the hot water and let sit overnight. The next day you can strain your infusion and drink all day.

Steeping overnight allows thicker herbs like roots, barks and berries to extract more medicine into the water. Allowing for a stronger infusion using less herbs.

Recipe: purple herbal lemonade

Butterfly blue pea is a blue flowering plant that is native to Southeast Asia. It is known for its bright blue color and has been used for centuries in traditional medicine and cuisine. One interesting property of butterfly blue pea is that its color can change when it is mixed with acidic substances, such as lemon juice. So when you squeeze lemon juice into your Winter Blend, it will turn a vibrant purple color.


  1. Make your infusion and let steep overnight as usual.

  2. Use the infusion as you would water for a lemonade.

  3. As you squeeze the lemon into your infusion, you will notice it turning purple. Kids love this part!

  4. Add sugar and enjoy!

Consider not adding ice to your beverages during the cold months, as it depletes your body, cools down your already sluggish digestive fire and makes it work harder to warm up again.

drinking herbal infusions all day

Drink your herbal infusion all day, replacing your normal water intake. It’s more fun, flavorful and nourishing!

Winter Blend

Ultimately, the theme of winter is one of transformation and growth. This blend invites us to slow down and turn inward, to embrace the quiet and restful energy of the season, to nourish our deep reserves of immunity and energy in preparation for a new turn around the sun and a new year filled with productivity and new experiences. Drinking supportive plant allies ever day, helps us find the courage and resilience to embrace this change and renewal and to do so with calm and grace.

Happy Winter friends!


Herbal Allies – Oatstraw


An herbal blend for Fall