Herbal Support for Winter

Loving winter doesn’t come naturally to me. Yes, the beginning is fun with fall leaves and holiday festivities. But once January hits, it’s cold and dark, and I have to pay special attention to how I’m supporting my body and nervous system so as not to fall prey to the winter blues.

Whether you love the winter cold or have a love/hate relationship with it like I do, there is no denying that there is a kind of beauty in the quiet calm of these darker days. So this year, I’m taking a more mindful approach to the season to ensure I not only survive it but manage to enjoy it.

Winter, with its serene landscapes and cozy moments by the fireplace, invites us to slow down, reflect, and nourish ourselves from within.

Here are some ways I’m supporting my body this winter:

  1. Connect with the season in nature. Just as the trees and animals rest, so can we take a more restful approach during winter. Allow yourself the time to think inward, produce less and make plans for warmer days.

  2. Keep your body warm. If you’re like me and winter brings you down, pay attention to staying warm. A knit hat and socks allow you to retain heat in your body. You might find that it makes a big difference.

  3. Similarly, avoid drinking iced/cold drinks and stick to warm and room temperature. Also avoid raw salads as they reduce your digestive fire at a time when it might already be lower than ideal.

  4. Find ways to stay connected with your community. Winter is usually a time when it’s easier to stay home alone, and although this might be great many days, too much of it might leave you feeling disconnected and left out. Find a group with similar interests to yours, dress up and go for a walk around town, and seek help from your tribe when needed.

  5. Drink herbal tea and favor warming herbs and spices in your cooking. Cinnamon, ginger, cardamom and turmeric are all warming and yummy.

Introducing Winter Blend

What better way to complement the season than with a carefully formulated herbal blend that not only warms the body but also supports overall well-being? This earthy blend is packed with nourishment and adaptogenic properties, ready to support us in feeling calm and replenishing our deep reserves of nourishment and immunity – a harmonious combination of red clover, nettles, ashwagandha, butterfly blue pea, sweet cinnamon, and orange peel.

Red Clover:

Known for its rich nutrient profile, red clover brings a boost of vitamins and minerals, providing essential nourishment to the body. As a mild adaptogen, it helps the body adapt to stress and promotes a sense of balance and tranquility – a perfect companion for navigating the cold dark days of winter.


Another nutrient powerhouse packed with vitamins and minerals. Nettles not only contribute to overall health but also support the immune system, helping us stay resilient during the winter months. Their gentle, earthy flavor adds a grounding element to Winter Blend, making it a perfect companion for chilly days.


A revered adaptogenic herb in Ayurveda, ashwagandha has long been valued for its ability to support the body's stress response. As the snow falls outside, enjoy a cup of Winter Blend infused with ashwagandha to promote a sense of calm and balance, helping you navigate the season with grace.

Butterfly Blue Pea:

Beyond its aesthetic blue appeal, butterfly blue pea is known for its antioxidant properties, helping combat oxidative stress.

Sweet Cinnamon:

No winter blend is complete without the comforting aroma and taste of cinnamon. Sweet cinnamon not only adds a delightful spice to this blend but also brings its own set of health benefits. From promoting circulation to supporting digestive health, cinnamon’s warming properties are just what we need this season.

Orange Peel:

Rich in vitamin C and antioxidants, orange peel contributes to immune support while imparting a zesty, uplifting note to the blend.

As winter unfolds its serene beauty, and we do our best to stay warm and healthy, let’s enjoy the magic of this season and know that it is only the beginning of a new year of growth and adventure. So, wrap yourself in a cozy blanket, savor the flavors of this season, and let Winter Blend be your companion through this season of stillness and warmth.


5 Essential Herbs for Natural Wellness and How to Use Them


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