8 Daily Habits for Feeling Your Best
I’ve been thinking a lot about what really matters lately. The daily habits that separate those feeling good from those struggling. So often I meet folks struggling with chronic pain, tiredness and hormonal imbalances and when they ask me for advice I find myself asking all the same questions regarding sleep and food habits and the state of their mind and emotions.
Here I summarize a few things that are helping me feel really good lately. Maybe there is one you’d like to incorporate into your daily routine.
1. Sleep 8 hours: Rest is essential for a calm mind and body. Studies show women tend to need between 8-10 hours of sleep at night while men can do with 7-8. How long are you usually sleeping?
2. Hydrate with herbal infusions: Instead of trying to drink enough water every day, make a 60 ounce batch of an herbal infusion and enjoy the many benefits aside from staying hydrated. Here is a video on why and how I replaced my daily water with herbal infusions.
3. Instead of dieting, focus on whole foods: Choose fresh, simple ingredients that are close to their natural form to fuel your body. Avoid high-fructose corn syrup, and focus on eating enough to replenish what your body burns each day.
4. Move daily: Find fun ways to move every day. Some of my favorites are hiking, yoga, and swimming. I know lifting weights is important, but I find the repetition boring, so I’ve been wearing a weighted vest on my hikes for some extra resistance.
5. Breathe deeply: Practice mindful breathing to slow down your mind and reconnect with the rest of your body. 10 minutes breathing, or repeating a mantra every day can make a big difference over time.
6. Use whole plant medicine: Welcome herbal remedies into your daily life to support general wellness and address mild, everyday concerns. I prefer to avoid heavily processed supplements and medications whenever possible to minimize exposure to unnecessary additives and potential side effects. Of course, there are times when conventional medicine is essential, but in many cases, natural remedies can provide gentle, effective support. Browse our apothecary of herbal remedies here.
7. Listen to your body: Tune in to your body’s gentle cues and adjust your habits accordingly. Regardless of what anyone says, if it doesn’t feel safe in your body, it’s not for you. For example, many rave about intermittent fasting, yet it doesn’t work for me. I’m thin and struggle to eat enough calories each day to keep up with the energy I burn during my heavy hikes. It’s important to prioritize what feels right for you. Test, listen, adjust.
8. Nurture connection: Spend quality time alone and with loved ones. Allow yourself to rest deeply and find joy in playful experiences. This can help protect you against burnout and provide the necessary space to check in with yourself. Use this time to assess whether your life aligns with what truly fills your cup.
What would you add to this list? What is a habit you are enjoying lately?