A 10-Day Exploration of 10 Herbal Allies

COURSE DATES: JULY 15 - 24, 2024

Nature is our medicine

A 10-day journey through ten of my favorite medicinal herbs.

Each day, we will drink and discuss one herb, getting to know her better.


What You’ll Experience

  • 1. Daily Herbal Infusions

    We’ll brew an herbal infusion for each day’s featured herb. You can choose to buy an herb bundle with your course, or source the herbs yourself.


  • 2. Short Daily Lessons

    You’ll get a daily email with a short video about the herb of the day and a reminder to make your herbal infusion.

  • 3. Meditative Connection

    Sit for a 10-minute sensory meditation with each herbal infusion to deepen your connection and understanding of each herb.

Meet Your New Herbal Allies

Course Schedule & Herbs

  • illustration of nettles medicinal herb

    July 15: Nettles

    Nourishing, Diuretic

  • illustration of red clover medicinal herb

    July 16: Red Clover

    Nourishing, Hormone Balancing

  • illustration of elderberry medicinal herb

    July 17: Elderberry

    Immune Boosting, Antiviral

  • illustration of tulsi medicinal herb

    July 18: Tulsi

    Adaptogenic, Blood Sugar Regulator, Digestive Support

  • illustration of lemon balm medicinal herb

    July 19: Lemon Balm

    Nervine, Eases Anxiety, Improves Mood

  • illustration of slippery elm medicinal herb

    July 20: Slippery Elm

    Digestive Support, Soothing

  • illustration of dandelion medicinal herb

    July 21: Dandelion Root

    Liver Support, Diuretic, Digestive Tonic

  • illustration of echinacea medicinal herb

    July 22: Echinacea

    Immune Modulator, Anti-Allergic

  • illustration of hibiscus medicinal herb

    July 23: Hibiscus

    Circulation, Antioxidant, Heart Health

  • illustration of ginkgo biloba medicinal herb

    July 24: Ginkgo Biloba

    Blood Circulation, Cognitive Function

Why Join This Journey?

This 10-day* course is perfect for anyone looking to deepen their understanding of herbal medicine, root down, and integrate new healing into their daily life. No matter how many books you have on herbalism, nothing compares to sitting with an herb and getting to know her personally.

* Every email and video link will sit in your inbox if you wish to move at a slower pace.

How to Join?

  1. Sign up: Register for the course here.

  2. Prepare: You can order all 10 herbs from us when signing up for the course or source them yourself.

    As part of the course you will get a string of emails, starting with a receipt and continuing with an intro/welcome video in July. Watch the video and read the PDFs. Everything is short and sweet.

  3. A 10-day journey: In the evening of July 14 we will make the first herbal infusion with Nettles. This way it will be ready for us the next morning to start the course. Starting on July 15, you’ll get a daily email with a short video lesson on the herb of the day.

  4. A sensory experience: I’ll invite you to do a 10-minute guided meditation with each herb to get to know them with all your senses, and I will send you printable journaling pages you can use to keep notes on your experience with each herb.